The Mekong River, one of the world’s longest rivers, is home to some of the most fascinating and fearsome creatures on Earth. Among these are a number of colossal fish species that have earned the nickname “river monsters.”
With their immense size and mysterious nature, these fish have captured the imagination of locals and scientists alike. Tales of these creatures, exaggerated over time, have contributed to the river’s reputation as a habitat for mythical monsters. While these fish may not be as terrifying as some stories suggest, their sheer size and power make them truly awe-inspiring.
Pirarucu (Arapaima)
Belonging to the family Arapaimidae, order Arowana, this is one of the most famous monsters in the Amazon River in America, weighing up to 200 kg and also on the verge of extinction.
Piraíba (Brachyplatystoma filamentosum)
Piraíba is one of the largest catfish species in the world, measuring up to 3 m in length and weighing up to 150 kg. Piraíba is also scary when gliding on the water with shark fins.
In many times of catching piraíba, fishermen in the Amazon region have discovered the bodies of dogs, cats and other small animals in its stomach.
This is also one of the species suspected of being involved in cases of missing people in the river.
Goliath Tigerfish (Hydrocynus goliath)
Goliath Tigerfish is a very large African freshwater fish in the Alestidae family. Compared to the 2 monsters mentioned above, it is more “modest” in size – about 1.5 m long, weighing 50 kg.
However, the Goliath Tiger Fish is more terrifying than the other species. It is no longer a rumor, it has repeatedly attacked humans and crocodiles. The Goliath Tiger Fish is also called “devil fish” by local people.
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